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Færeyingar auglýsa eftir fræðslustjóra á heimasíðu KSÍ
Frá landsleik milli Íslands og Færeyja.
Frá landsleik milli Íslands og Færeyja.
Mynd: Fótbolti.net - Hafliði Breiðfjörð
Færeyska knattspyrnusambandið er í leit að fræðslustjóra og hefur greinilega áhuga á að ráða Íslending í starfið þar sem auglýst er á heimasíðu KSÍ.

„Knattspyrnusamband Færeyja auglýsir eftir starfsmanni til að leiða fræðslu- og útbreiðslustarf sambandsins (Technical Director). Hér er um að ræða spennandi tækifæri fyrir metnaðarfullan einstakling, sem hefur lokið UEFA-A (KSÍ-A) þjálfaragráðu og býr yfir víðtækri reynslu," segir á heimasíðu KSÍ.

Auglýsing færeyska knattspyrnusambandsins er hér fyrir neðan.

The Faroese Football Association (FSF) is seeking a new Technical Director to manage and advance the development of Faroese football.

We are looking for a candidate with both visions and abilities to initiate plans and programmes, which in the best possible way will prepare Faroese fooball for the future and the big challenges ahead.

A Coach is preparing his team for the next match, but we expect of you to plan for the long run and the future. Your victories will not be achieved with technical refinements today or tomorrow, but when your long time planning is paying off and showing the results.

The Technical Director will be the skilled and knowledgeable director of the FSF, responsible both for the coach training programmes and the general development of the players. You will arrange and plan the education of all the Faroese coaches, including the youth coaches and thus being a most central person for all the youth organisation of FSF.

The Technical Director will be responsible for all our players from grassroots level to our champions league, and we expect of you to be able to inspire and centralize .

The daily work will be in conjunction with the activity and general running of FSF, but you are expected to take an active role in the development of the Faroese youth football, and you will remain in close contact with all the Faroese clubs and youth coaches.


As a minimum requirement you are expected to have the UEFA A-coach certificate, in addition to experiences both as a high level coach yourself and as a coach instructor.

We are hoping for a candidate, who has managerial abilities and having competent language abilities, both in Faroese and English.

You are independent, trustworthy, energetic, you are having visions and able to inspire the players and you are able to co-operate.

We can offer an exiting and independent job. The salary will be subject to negotiations. The Technical Director will report to the Secretary General.


The deadline for applications is on the 16th March. Applications are to be forwarded by mail to [email protected]. Eventual questions or further information can be obtained from the Secretary General Virgar Hvidbro on 00298291975.