Olise, Branthwaite, Gutierrez, Guimaraes, Zubimendi og fleiri góðir í slúðurpakka dagsins
   þri 19. mars 2024 06:00
KSÍ C 1 coaching course in English - April 5-7, 2024
Mynd: Fótbolti.net - Hafliði Breiðfjörð
Mynd: Getty Images
The Football Association of Iceland (KSÍ) will have a KSÍ C 1 coaching courses in the capital area in English in the first weekend in April (April 5-7, 2024).

The course is open to anyone who is interested, but there is an age limit for the course. Participants must be born in 2008 or earlier.

The schedule of the courses can be found in the attachment. The program is published subject to change.

The course fee is ISK 30,000.

Because this course is only held once this year, we must require 100% attendance. So, if you are already coaching a team and that team has trainings and/or matches during this weekend (April 5-7), please make arrangements so that you can attend the whole course.

If registration goes well for this course, KSÍ C 2 will be held in English on the weekend of April 19-21, 2024. Coaches that finish both KSÍ C 1 and KSÍ C 2 will get a KSÍ C / UEFA C coaching diploma.
The goal of the KSÍ C coaching course is to give coaches tools and equipment to:

- Create a safe environment for children and teenagers to play football

- Plan exercises

- Develop their skills in training/pedagogy

- Offer practitioners suitable exercises

Registration: https://forms.gle/xZaoXgLunmz5GDtW8